Our Cloak Series Holsters offer a free shell swap program, which means the user can still utilize the holster base when a new firearm is purchased. This article will cover information on how to send in a shell for swap as well as considerations on compatibility.
**Due to the advanced nature of the ShapeShift Shells, Rapid Force Holsters, and our Low-Pro Series, they do not take part in our lifetime shell exchange program that we offer for the Cloak Series.**
Cloak Series Holsters include Cloak Slide or Cloak Belt Holsters, Cloak Tuck IWBs (original leather, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5), Chest Holster, Cloak Mod style holsters. Cloak Holsters are defined by the four bolt holes on the holster shell. Our Cloak series holsters are our original holster system and was built with functionality in mind. While each shell we make is custom fit to the firearm, the pattern that we use to bolt the shell to our holster bases is used across several types.
This bolt pattern follows three simple rules:
- Same draw hand - Right hand to right hand, left hand to left hand. A right handed shell would not be compatible with a left handed holster base.
- Semi-auto or revolver - Our revolver shells use a different bolt pattern than our semi-auto shells. A semi-auto shell would not be compatible with a revolver holster.
- Limited compatibility with Cloak Mod Holsters- Cloak Mod OWB Paddle, Cloak Mod Drop Leg and Cloak Mod MOLLE holsters use a more rigid backer that, due to the design, does not support most optics and some lights that would otherwise be compatible with other Cloak Series Holsters.
While we will can still send a revolver shell in trade for a semi-auto, or a draw hand trade, we do not guarantee fitment if the user does not have a selection of bases for the shell to fit. Bases can be purchased individually if desired.
Cloak Series Shell Swaps can be done at any time and as many times as needed. All we need is to have the shell alone sent back to us with the shipping information and desired shell. No need to send back any additional parts or bases. Outside of paying to ship the shell back to us, the cost of the replacement shell and shipping the replacement shell back to you is covered by us.
Please make sure to include an updated shipping address and contact information on this form, along with the specifics of your make and model firearm and attachments. Not sure if we have your set up? Check here.
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