We have completed sending out replacement Drop Leg Bars, so if you have not received the package, please contact Customer Service and our team will get this taken care of.
Tedder Industries, LLC (Alien Gear and Rapid Force Holsters) strives to provide our customers with the highest quality products in the industry. It has recently come to our attention that a small subset of our Rapid Force Swivel Drop Leg bars may break if certain forces are exerted upon the piece under certain conditions. Although not a serious safety concern, we have determined that this piece does not meet the highest quality standards that we expect from our products. Therefore, to ensure you have the best experience possible with the Rapid Force Swivel Drop Leg, we’ve adopted a proactive approach. Anyone who purchased a Rapid Force Swivel Drop Leg, ShapeShift Swivel Drop Leg, Cloak Mod Swivel Drop Leg or Dynamic Drop Leg in 2022 or 2023 will receive a replacement kit. This kit contains all the necessary pieces and instructions for immediate replacement of the specified part, ensuring its readiness for use.
Please immediately stop using your Rapid Force Swivel Drop Leg until you have completed this replacement process and discarded the old parts that originally came with your Swivel Drop Leg.
The replacement process can be completed quickly and easily by, first, determining which size bar you wish to use and then simply removing the old part held in place with 2 screws, and replacing the bar in question by using the 2 new patch screws enclosed in the package. Finally, dispose of the old parts by throwing them in the garbage. Important
Note: there are 3 different size swivel bars included in the replacement parts kit and in the parts kit that you originally received when you purchased your Swivel Drop Leg. Make sure you dispose of all 3 of the original swivel bars you received when you purchased your Swivel Drop Leg.
Here’s how you can easily tell the difference between the old part (which could be faulty)
Swivel Drop Leg Bar Replacement Instructions
Remove the two 10-32 Screws holding the Swivel Drop Bar to the QDS Attachment and to the Drop Thigh Plate using the provided 3/32" Hex Key.
Make a note of the Swivel Drop Leg Bar you removed to know if you prefer the High, Mid or Low Drop leg Bar. Then please DISCARD your old Swivel Drop Leg Bars.
With the provided new Swivel Drop Leg Bars, find the noted preferred size and re-install using the new 10-32 Screws that are also provided. Torque the Screws to about 25in-lbs.
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