The Taq-Strap Integrated Tourniquet replaces a standard holster strap, or any strap 1.5 inch wide, with a pre-positioned tourniquet that can stop a femoral bleed within five seconds from the point of injury while still keeping the holster fastened to the leg. It is compatible with gun holsters, Taser holsters, plate carriers, ballistic shoulder pads, IFAK's, gas mask bags, soft or hard equipment pouches, or any equipment that utilizes a 1.5 inch strap or larger. This article covers how to disassemble the Taq-Strap in order to place it on different gear. Once these steps are complete, assembly onto a drop leg plate can be completed.
Please reference the User Guide included with Taq-Strap, or access the digital user guide at the bottom of the page.
Disassembling the Taq-Strap
Once the Taq-Strap is dissembled, it is read to be added to the existing holster or piece of gear. For assembly, see the article, Taq-Strap Assembly onto Drop Leg Plates.
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